Best Music to Listen to While Running - aZengear (Artdriver Ltd)
Healthy Lifestyles

Best Music to Listen to While Running

by Emily Jannet on Feb 12, 2023

Running is a great way to keep your body healthy, but sometimes it can be tough to stay motivated during a long run. That’s where music comes in. Listening to music while running has been shown to have numerous benefits, including improving your mood, health, and stamina. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best music to listen to while running and the benefits it can provide.

Music and Mood

Have you ever had a bad day, turned on some of your favourite tunes, and suddenly felt better? That’s because music has a powerful impact on our mood. Listening to music while running can help us stay motivated and focused, even when we’re feeling tired or sluggish. Studies have shown that music can help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, which are all common factors that can affect our mood during a run.

When you’re running, you need to keep your mind focused on the task at hand. Listening to music can help distract your mind from negative thoughts, allowing you to stay in the moment and enjoy the run. Additionally, upbeat music with a fast tempo can help increase your energy levels, making it easier to keep pushing forward.

Health Benefits

Music not only has a positive impact on our mood, but it can also provide several health benefits while running. For starters, music can help reduce the perception of effort during exercise, making it feel less strenuous. This is especially true when listening to music with a faster tempo, as it can help regulate our breathing and pace.

Listening to music while running can also help improve our overall performance. In a study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, researchers found that runners who listened to music while running improved their running time and distance by an average of 15 percent compared to runners who didn’t listen to music.

Stamina and Endurance

One of the biggest benefits of listening to music while running is the impact it can have on our stamina and endurance. Music can help us push through fatigue and maintain a steady pace. This is because music can help regulate our breathing and pace, allowing us to conserve energy and stay focused.

The tempo of the music can also play a role in our stamina and endurance. When we listen to music with a fast tempo, it can increase our heart rate and help us feel more energised. This can be particularly helpful during long runs, where our energy levels may start to dip.

Best Music to Listen to While Running

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of listening to music while running, let’s dive into the best music to listen to during your next workout.

  1. Upbeat Pop Songs

Pop songs are a great choice for running because they often have a fast tempo and catchy beats that can help increase our energy levels. Look for popular songs with a tempo between 120 and 140 beats per minute, as this is the ideal range for running.

  1. Motivational Tracks

Sometimes, we need a little extra motivation to keep pushing ourselves during a run. That’s where motivational tracks come in. These songs often have uplifting lyrics and a powerful message, helping us to stay focused and energized.

  1. Classic Rock Hits

Classic rock songs are a great choice for runners who want to keep their energy levels up without listening to modern pop hits. Many classic rock songs have a fast tempo and a powerful beat, making them a great choice for running.

  1. Electronic Dance Music (EDM)

EDM is another genre of music that’s great for running. The fast tempo and upbeat rhythm can help increase our heart rate and energy levels, making it easier to keep pushing ourselves.

  1. Hip-Hop and Rap

Hip-hop and rap songs are a great choice for runners who want to keep their energy levels up and feel motivated. Many of these songs have a fast tempo and strong beat.

Song Suggestions:

In conclusion, listening to music while running can provide numerous benefits for our mood, health, and stamina. It can help improve our overall performance, keep us motivated and energized, and even make our runs feel less strenuous. When choosing music to listen to while running, consider selecting upbeat songs with a fast tempo or motivational tracks with a powerful message.

It's important to note that while music can be beneficial during exercise, it's crucial to practice safe listening habits. Avoid using headphones at a high volume that can damage your hearing, and be aware of your surroundings when running outdoors.


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