Why Are Shin Splints Dangerous? - aZengear (Artdriver Ltd)
Healthy Lifestyles

Why Are Shin Splints Dangerous?

by azengear on May 15, 2021

While shin splints may not be a life-threatening condition, they can nonetheless be detrimentally life-affecting. The moment you detect any potential signs or symptoms, it is essential that you bring them to the attention of a doctor or qualified physiotherapist. Shin splints should never be overlooked or ignored for three main reasons:
  1. Shin splints can significantly increase the likelihood of further complications and injuries, such as stress fractures
  2. Left unaddressed, shin splints can become progressively worse to such an extent that the condition becomes debilitating
  3. In some instances, shin splints are caused or worsened by underlying conditions that may require thorough investigation and treatment
Whatever the nature and severity of the condition is, shin splints do not simply disappear on their own accord, so you should take care of yourself as much as possible to prevent them and address them with rigor and zeal!